Andrews has a tradition of providing students with an outstanding education and each school year just gets better and better! 

Students who have been at Andrews in the past came back remembering and following the building’s expectations on day 1.

We are so proud of them! And, of course, we are thrilled to have many new faces among us.

A special welcome goes out to all of our new students and their families!

November 20, 2023 Syndicated from District


Due to continued staffing issues, Bus #3 and Bus #20 have been canceled starting 12/5/2023 through 1/26/24 as per the district notification sent on 9/6/2023 (ATTACHED). 

Parents/Guardians of students affected by this cancellation have already received this notice to allow time for preparation and will need to provide transportation for their students to and from their school of attendance. 

Bus #3 and #20 AM & PM routes will resume on Monday, 1/29/2024. 

We apologize and thank you for your continued support.

09.06.23_Transportation Letter



Debido a continuos problemas de personal, el autobús n.° 3 y el autobús n.° 20 se cancelaron desde el 5/12/2023 hasta el 26/1/24 según la notificación del distrito enviada el 6/9/2023 (ADJUNTA).

Los padres/tutores de los estudiantes afectados por esta cancelación ya han recibido este aviso para dar tiempo a la preparación y deberán proporcionar transporte para sus estudiantes hacia y desde la escuela a la que asisten.

Las rutas del Bus #3 y #20 AM y PM se reanudarán el Lunes 29.01.2023.

Nos disculpamos y le agradecemos su continuo apoyo.

06.09.23_Carta de Transporte

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