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August 26, 2018

Dear Andrews Elementary Parents:

The safety and well-being of your child is our highest priority.  As many of you are aware, on Thursday, August 23, 2018, an excavation crew, performing roadway excavation work, caused a gas leak in the area of Douglas Avenue and Millard Street, near Andrews Elementary School.

Three Rivers Fire Department and Semco Energy responded to the incident and evacuated the area as a safety measure.   In response, Three Rivers Community Schools Facility Director, Brian Leonard, closed Andrews Elementary School until the repairs were completed and the area was reinspected, and deemed safe to be occupied, by Semco Energy, AEP and the Three Rivers Fire Department on Friday, August 24, 2018 @ 7:30am.

As an additional safety precaution, Three Rivers Community Schools district also hired an Electrical contractor and a Mechanical contractor to inspect and verify that all electrical and mechanical systems within Andrews Elementary School were functioning within operational specifications before allowing TRCS staff to return to Andrews Elementary on Friday, August 24, 2019 at 9:00am.

As the paving work on Douglas Avenue is not completed, Three Rivers Community Schools District has established an alternative busing arrangement, in partnership with the Three Rivers Police Department and City of Three Rivers, to maintain safe transportation for the students of Andrews Elementary.  Students that ride a bus will be dropped off on the corner of Millard St and S. Douglas Ave. They will then walk through the playground entrance into the building. The City of Three Rivers will be closing portions of the roads to ensure students have a safe pick up and drop off location. For students that are getting dropped off in a car, you will access the regular student drop off parking lot by going South on S. Grant and West on S. Street. This is normally a one-way road but the city will be allowing two-way traffic during construction.

During dismissal, students will be led through the playground to the corner of Millard St. and S. Douglas to their appropriate bus. This is the same location they were dropped off at and the road will only be accessed by school buses.

Any students that catch a bus from the Andrews location will need to wait for their bus at the same location.

Questions, please contact, Brian Leonard, Three Rivers Community Schools Facility Director @ (269) 279-1119 or the Superintendent’s Office at (269) 279-1100.

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