The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

February 07, 2019 Syndicated from TRHS

Announcements for Thursday, February 7, 2019

Homecoming week will take place this week.  The theme for winter homecoming is "Road Trip".  The dress-up days are as follows: today-Florida Tourist Attire, and Friday-Three Rivers Purple and White Attire.  

Accuplacer testing will be held on February 12th. A sign-up sheet is available in the guidance office. 

Hoppin Elementary is looking for volunteers  If you are a student athlete or like working with kids, Hoppin Elementary needs your help. Thursday March 7th from 5-7 they will have a fun family night. If you are interested in helping out, please see Mrs. Blyly for details. 

Junior class t-shirts will be for sale this Tuesday through Thursday during lunches.

Seniors, scholarships & FAFSA are due March 1st!! Please contact Ms. Lathan for more information." And can I also have it announced "A scholarship presentation is going to be February 12th @ 12:30 in the PAC. It is highly recommended that you attend.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner! Don’t know what to get your sweetie? TRHS DECA is selling raffle tickets during all three lunches. They are raffling off a teddy bear, Russell Stover chocolates and dinner for two at Applebee’s. The  cost is 50 cents for one or 3 for $1. Take a chance--you might win! Help send DECA students to their state competition in March.

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