The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

March 28, 2020 Syndicated from District

March 27, 2020

Dear TRCS Families & Community,

I hope this letter finds all of you and your families staying healthy and safe. Please make sure you are getting enough nourishment, exercise and sleep during this stay safe, stay home order.

We will continue to distribute breakfast and lunches to our students. The following is an updated plan for handing out the grab-n-go meals: 

Our Grab-n-Go meals bag pick-up will continue at Three Rivers High School for this coming week. Pick-up dates will be Monday March 30th and Wednesday April 1st. Meal service at the high school will now be drive up service instead of going into the high school.

Mon. March 30th – we will be handing out (2) days’ worth of Grab-n-Go bags from 10 am – 12 noon.

Wed. April 1st – we will be handing out (3) days’ worth of Grab-n-Go bags from 10 – 12 noon.  

We will publish next week’s pick-up dates by this Friday, April 3rd.

By now many of you have probably heard about the radio interview that Gov. Whitmer did this morning. She was asked a question about when she sees us going back to school. She stated she believes it is unlikely we will be going back to school this year. She finished that statement with - "She has not made a final decision on this." She goes on to state there is still a lot of planning that needs to take place in order for all of our students learning needs to be met for the remainder of the school year. You can read more on this by clicking on the link below:  

I started earlier this week working with Nikki Nash - Director of Instruction, Dr. Nancy Lubeski - Director of Special Education, and our building principals to work on planning for a longer closure, or a closure that would take us to the end of this school year. There are many barriers we need to work through, and we need to bring in more staff (teachers and support staff) to this conversation. More details on this to come early next week.

We know that the information regarding the COVID-19 virus changes frequently, sometimes by the minute. We all can do our part in slowing the spread of this virus down by limiting our face-to-face   interactions (social distancing), and follow the general health guidelines for combating the spread of COVID-19 published by our St. Joseph County Health department.

Please go to our district website ( for updated information and resources regarding our school closure. Thank you again for your continued support and patience as we navigate through this challenging time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at; or call (269) 279-1100.



Ron Moag –Superintendent

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