The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

March 15, 2024 Syndicated from District

The first day of the 2024-2025 School Year has been decided.  Students (and staff) will return to school on Monday, August 19, 2024.  The first day back will be a 1/2 day for both students and staff.

More information regarding a full 2024-2025 District Calendar to come at a later date.

1st day

Se ha decidido el primer día del año escolar 2024-2025. Los estudiantes (y el personal) regresarán a la escuela el lunes 19 de agosto de 2024. El primer día de regreso será medio día tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal.

Más información sobre el calendario distrital completo 2024-2025 estará disponible más adelante.


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