Three Rivers Middle School has a tradition of excellence in curricular and co-curricular programs that will prepare you to meet new challenges. Our school can only continue to maintain this tradition of excellence through your consistent efforts to meet, and exceed, the standards your predecessors have set.

The first step toward success is to consistently set high standards for yourself.

May 29, 2020 Syndicated from District

Dear TRCS Parents, students and community -

I hope this letter finds you and your families healthy, well, and safe. On behalf of our entire TRCS Family and the Board of Education, I want to thank you for your partnership, commitment, and resiliency over these past three months. I will be the first one to admit that COVID-19 was a challenge I thought I would never have to deal with during my educational career. During these incredibly difficult times WE came together as a community in order to provide the best possible educational experience for OUR students. For that, I THANK YOU!

During this upcoming week, June 1st - 4th, each of the schools will be working with you to return any personal items of your student. We will also be collecting Chrome-books from those students who were issued one at the start of remote learning.

What will school look like next year? This is the question I get asked frequently. My hope is that we will be able to hold school face-to-face in the fall. I can tell you that is what we are planning for, as well as, some version of “blended” learning (some face-to-face learning, some remote learning). Alternatively, we will also plan for not being able to come to school in person for the start of the school year. We have a district team made up of various staff within our school system, that in  consultation with our local health department and community partners are advising us on our planning. 

Governor Whitmer has also created an advisory council for reopening schools that is providing guidance to her team on how and when to reopen school this fall.  We do know that whatever guidance we are given regarding reopening of school, the current guidelines in protecting against the spread of COVID-19 will be continued in order to ensure the health, wellness, and safety of our students and staff.

You can see there are still a number of moving parts in order to make sure our students and staff will be safe, healthy, and well when we reopen school this fall. Our goal is to be able to share a draft of our re-opening for school plan in Mid-June. 

You will be receiving an invitation to participate in a short survey regarding remote learning for the start of school. I hope you will participate in taking the survey because it will be vital information for us to gather that will assist in our reopening of school planning.

Thank you again for your time and commitment with your student over these past three months. We know it was not easy assisting us in delivering our remote learning plan. Our collective efforts during these extraordinary times was the epitome of what being a community is all about.

TR Strong!

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