Three Rivers Middle School has a tradition of excellence in curricular and co-curricular programs that will prepare you to meet new challenges. Our school can only continue to maintain this tradition of excellence through your consistent efforts to meet, and exceed, the standards your predecessors have set.

The first step toward success is to consistently set high standards for yourself.

January 22, 2024 Syndicated from District

Due to continued staffing challenges, Bus #25 has been canceled starting 1/29/2024 through 3/8/2024, as per the District notification sent on 9/6/2023. This is for Bus #25 ONLY.

Parents of students receiving this notice will need to provide transportation for their students to and from their school of attendance. Bus #25 AM & PM routes will resume on Monday 3/11/2024.

Also, Bus Routes #3 & #20 AM/PM will be reinstated on Monday 1/29/2024 as per the district notification on 9/6/2023. Parents of students on Bus #3 & Bus #20 will need to have their students at their assigned bus stop location 5 minutes prior to scheduled stop time.

We apologize and thank you for your continued support.

Debido a los continuos desafíos de personal, el autobús n.° 25 se canceló desde el 29 de enero de 2024 hasta el 8 de marzo de 2024, según la notificación del Distrito enviada el 6 de septiembre de 2023. Esto es SOLO para el autobús n.° 25.

Los padres de los estudiantes que reciban este aviso deberán proporcionar transporte para sus estudiantes hacia y desde la escuela a la que asisten. Las rutas del autobús n.º 25 AM y PM se reanudarán el lunes 3/11/2024.

Además, las rutas de autobús n.° 3 y n.° 20 AM/PM se restablecerá el lunes 29/1/2024 según la notificación del distrito del 6/9/2023. Los padres de los estudiantes en el autobús n.° 3 y el autobús n.° 20 deberán tener a sus estudiantes en la parada de autobús asignada 5 minutos antes de la hora de parada programada.

Nos disculpamos y le agradecemos su continuo apoyo.

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Google Maps1101 Jefferson Avenue Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: (269) 279-1130       Fax: 269-279-1139