Three Rivers Middle School has a tradition of excellence in curricular and co-curricular programs that will prepare you to meet new challenges. Our school can only continue to maintain this tradition of excellence through your consistent efforts to meet, and exceed, the standards your predecessors have set.

The first step toward success is to consistently set high standards for yourself.

July 22, 2024 Syndicated from District

For upcoming 6th grade students planning on being in band this year!

Three Rivers Bands–Instrument Open House


Monday, August 5th: 6 to 7 pm

TRHS Performing Arts Center (HS Auditorium)

Park in front of TRHS and use door #30 to enter the lobby by the auditorium.

Beginning Band Instruments include: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Horn, & Trombone.  In January (after the 1st semester), students audition and are selected to switch to tuba, percussion, oboe, bass clarinet, tenor sax, & baritone.

 The Three Rivers Band Directors and representatives from Meyer Music will be available to assist families by going over the rent-to-own program, rental contract, and any other questions.

If you own an instrument, please bring it so we can make sure it’s in working condition.  We look forward to meeting you!

Instrument Open House English

¡Para los próximos estudiantes de 6 grado que planean estar en la banda este año!

Three Rivers Bands - Jornada de puertas abiertas sobre instrumentos

Lunes 5 de agosto: 6 a 7 pm

TRHS Performing Arts Center (HS Auditorium)

Estacione frente a TRHS y use la puerta #30 para ingresar al lobby por el auditorio.

Los instrumentos de banda para principiantes incluyen: laúd, clarinete, saxofón alto, trompeta, trompa y trombón.  En enero (después del primer semestre), los estudiantes hacen una audición y son seleccionados para cambiar a tuba, percusión, oboe, clarinete bajo, saxo tenor y barítono.

Los directores de Three Rivers Band y los representantes de Meyer Music estarán disponibles para ayudar a las familias repasando el programa de alquiler con opción a compra, el contrato de alquiler y cualquier otra pregunta.

Si posee un instrumento, tráigalo para que podamos asegurarnos de que esté en condiciones de funcionar.  ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia!

Instrument Open House Spanish


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