Three Rivers Middle School has a tradition of excellence in curricular and co-curricular programs that will prepare you to meet new challenges. Our school can only continue to maintain this tradition of excellence through your consistent efforts to meet, and exceed, the standards your predecessors have set.

The first step toward success is to consistently set high standards for yourself.

February 19, 2025 Syndicated from District



 Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity to learn. Too many absences can not only affect achievement for the absent student, but it can also disrupt learning for the entire class.

While we understand emergencies and illnesses occur throughout the school year, for all students to have an equal opportunity to succeed, it is important to make sure EVERY student is present, engaged and accounted for as much as possible.

2 days a month = 4 weeks a year = missing more than 1 year of learning in 12 years

Attendance COunts Flyer English



Cada día que un estudiante se ausenta de clase es una oportunidad que se pierde para aprender. Muchas ausencias no solo impactan el rendimiento para el estudiante ausente, pero también puede interrumpir el aprendizaje de toda la clase..

Entendemos que a lo largo del año escolar pueden surgir emergencias y enfermedades, pero para que todos los estudiantes tengan las mismas oportunidades de éxito, es fundamental que CADA estudiante esté presente, comprometido y contabilizado tanto como sea posible.

2 Días por mes = 4 semanas por año = Faltan más de 1 año de aprendizaje en 12 años

Attendance Counts Flyer Spanish

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