Three Rivers Middle School has a tradition of excellence in curricular and co-curricular programs that will prepare you to meet new challenges. Our school can only continue to maintain this tradition of excellence through your consistent efforts to meet, and exceed, the standards your predecessors have set.

The first step toward success is to consistently set high standards for yourself.

February 27, 2025 Syndicated from District

 Three Rivers Community Schools
 Office of the SuperintendentPRIMARY_pwercat_rht_1C.png



 February 27, 2025

 The District is aware of a social media post containing allegations that have been determined to be rumor based and untrue.  The safety and integrity of our staff and students are paramount. We are committed to fostering an environment where the well-being of our entire school community is upheld.  

 As with all concerns brought to our attention, the District takes all reports seriously. We urge anyone with information regarding any matter to report it directly to the school administration. We also request that individuals refrain from posting about any situation on social media, as it may negatively impact any potential investigations and promotes misinformation within the community.


Nikki Nash - Superintendent



27 de febrero de 2025

El Distrito tiene conocimiento de una publicación en las redes sociales que contiene acusaciones que se ha determinado que están basadas en rumores y son falsas.  La seguridad y la integridad de nuestro personal y estudiantes son primordiales. Estamos comprometidos a fomentar un entorno donde se mantenga el bienestar de toda nuestra comunidad escolar.

Como ocurre con todas las inquietudes que se nos presentan, el Distrito toma todos los informes en serio. Instamos a cualquier persona que tenga información sobre cualquier asunto a que lo informe directamente a la administración de la escuela. También solicitamos que las personas se abstengan de publicar sobre cualquier situación en las redes sociales, ya que puede afectar negativamente cualquier posible investigación.


Nikki Nash - Superintendent


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