Andrews has a tradition of providing students with an outstanding education and each school year just gets better and better! 

Students who have been at Andrews in the past came back remembering and following the building’s expectations on day 1.

We are so proud of them! And, of course, we are thrilled to have many new faces among us.

A special welcome goes out to all of our new students and their families!


Our Mission

The mission of our school community is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams. 

The Andrews Elementary staff is a highly motivated, trained and professional staff. It is committed to continual improvement toward excellence. We are proud of the work we do.

Andrews Elementary Belief Statement

We believe we must continue to provide an excellent program that addresses the educational needs of all students in a safe and supportive environment.

We believe the collaboration between home, the school district, and the community has a direct correlation to the quality of the educational system and the experience of each student.

Responsibility, a necessary skill, is learned through consistent accountability, expectations, opportunities, and examples.

Development of skills and perspectives that encourage lifelong learning will increase life and career choices.

All students are held accountable for their learning academically and behaviorally by tracking their success and areas of improvement.

We believe all students can maximize their learning through the implementation of technology choices and prepare them for the future.


Andrews Elementary School is an active school community. While remaining focused on improving student achievement, it is our belief that all students can and do learn in many different ways. Excellence is our goal, and we “travel many roads” to achieve it. Some of our Points of Pride are:

  • Safety Patrol
  • Student Council
  • Parents Volunteers
  • Team Teaching in each Grade Level
  • Early Childhood Special Education Program
  • Young 5’s
  • Active Student Success Team
  • Active School Improvement Team
  • Sunrise
  • Active P.T.O.
  • Year long theme: Andrews Pride: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Kind
  • Community Partnership with Three Rivers Area Mentoring Program (TRAM),
    Carnegie Center for the Arts, the City of Three Rivers, Scidmore Park projects, Southern Michigan Bank & Trust, Camp Eberhardt
  • Meaningful, educational field trips for all students
  • Daily, Weekly, and Monthly special recognition of students
  • Extended Learning Activities
  • Marking Period Award Ceremonies
  • Positive Behavior Support Program in Place


We, as professional trained educators, continue to improve our skills to be state of the art in the field of education. Through coaching and mentoring all of the staff are committed to offering the highest form of educational excellence for our students to reach their highest potential.

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