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September 16, 2019

Three Rivers Community Schools will celebrate Grandparent's Day on Friday, October 4th. 


This day is a cherished tradition for our students to share their Three Rivers Community Schools experience with people who are so important in their lives. Our elementary, middle and high schools will welcome grandparents to join students in their classrooms and complete a craft or activity from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Afterwards we invite all grandparents for a luncheon at the Three Rivers High School Cafeteria. Following the luncheon there will be a performance by our award winning TRHS Band and Choir and a short presentation by Superintendent Ron Moag. We truly hope your family can join us for this exceptional day! For the safety & security of all students-- Grandparents will be required to provide photo identification to enter our buildings and have a permission slip on file for each student they will visit.


Grandparents visit students at schools - 9:30 AM -12:30 PM

Grandparent Luncheon at TRHS - 1:00 PM

TRHS Band & Choir Performance at TRHS - 1:30 PM

Superintendent Presentation at TRHS - 2:00 PM


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