In order for students to be college and career ready, it is important that they have strong literacy skills. In 2016, the
Michigan Legislature passed House Bill No. 4822 to ensure that children who exit third grade are reading at grade
level. All children in grade three are required to take the state assessment (MSTEP). Beginning in the 2019-2020
school year, students must be proficient on this test in reading in order to be promoted to fourth grade. This now
referred to as Read by Grade Three Law.
This legislation requires that each school administers an ongoing assessment to identify each child’s reading
progress. These assessments will be administered three times per year and the first must be administered within
thirty days of school beginning. If a child exhibits a reading deficiency, the district will provide an Individual Reading
Improvement Plan (IRIP) to address challenge areas and provide training and resources for parents and guardians.
Third Grade Good Cause Exemption Form