Firefighters For Santa!
Firefighters for Santa and Three Rivers Community Schools are teaming up to help local kids and families in need! Each school will have a drop off bin for toys.
When a student drops off a new, unwrapped toy they will be given a raffle ticket for a chance to go on a ride in a fire truck! Toy donations start the week of November 12 and end December 8th. Raffle winners will be chosen the week of December 18 and will be notified via their school. A wide age and variety of toys are needed!
Any questions please email:
Need ideas? Popular toys to donate are:
Lego Kits Nerf
Barbie Trolls
Monster Jam Squishmallow’s
Marvel or DC Pokémon
Minecraft Stuffed animals
Board Games Fortnite
Anything sports related!
IF you would rather donate monetarily instead of sending a toy to school, you can do so via the QR code!
Firefighters for Santa is not affiliated with Three Rivers Community Schools