Ruth Hoppin Elementary is located in Three Rivers, Michigan and is one of four elementary buildings in Three Rivers Community Schools. Hoppin has aprox. 300 students in Young 5s through 5th grade who come from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

Ruth Hoppin Elementary
Parent-Teacher Organization Bylaws
Adopted: 12-15-11

This organization shall be known as the Ruth Hoppin Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization and more commonly referred to as “the PTO.”

The purpose of this group will be to strengthen and enhance the relationship between students, parents, and school staff by supporting the mission of Ruth Hoppin Elementary by:

  1. Enhancing the growth of all students, staff and families.
  2. Offering support by acquiring and distributing funds for student, staff, and/or family benefit.
  3. Providing a means for the communication of ideas, needs, and accomplishments of the school community.
  4. Offering volunteer opportunities to encourage parent involvement.
  5. Support for the School Improvement Plan and/or participation on the School Improvement Team.

ARTICLE III—Membership
Membership shall include all parents and guardians of current Ruth Hoppin Elementary students, current staff, and the Ruth Hoppin Elementary Principal. There are no membership dues.

ARTICLE IV—Officers and their Election
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2: All Ruth Hoppin Elementary parents/guardians and staff interested in participating will submit nominations in writing. Nomination forms will be sent home to all families with students and given to all staff.

Section 3: Nominations forms for officers shall be submitted to the PTO via the school office. All nominations will be announced to the school community at least one (1) month prior to voting.

Section 4: Duties of the officers are to be explained in full by the Executive Board to nominees. The consent of a nominee must be obtained prior to placing that name on the ballot.

Section 5: Ballots marked with a deadline will be given to each school family and staff member.

Section 6: Ballots will be presented to the Principal and counted at an Election Executive session with at least two other PTO members in attendance. At this time, officers shall be individually elected and notified within 24 hours by the Executive Board.

Section 7: The President shall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years with elections held in the spring of even-numbered years; the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee shall be elected to serve a term of one (1) year. Officers may seek reelection with no specified term limits.

ARTICLE V—Duties of Officers
President: The President shall perform the following duties:

  • Schedule and preside at all scheduled meetings of the PTO;
  • Provide an agenda for all meetings, members, and committees;
  • Establish committees to run activities during the school year;
  • Develop relationships with committee chairpersons;
  • Represent the PTO at special school functions or send a delegate.

Vice President: The Vice President shall perform the following duties:

  • Attend all meetings of the PTO;
  • Carry out all duties of the President, in the absence of President;
  • Provide committee reports at all meetings in the absence of the committee chairperson;
  • Coordinate other PTO matters as directed by the President or the Executive Board.

Secretary: The Secretary shall perform the following duties:

  • Attend all meetings of the PTO;
  • Record minutes at all schedule PTO meetings and/or special meetings of the Executive Board;
  • Write any correspondence for the PTO;
  • Distribute previous meeting minutes at PTO meetings and to other groups as needed (teachers, parents etc.).

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:

  • Attend all meetings of the PTO;
  • Provide a cash box for all PTO sponsored functions where cash is needed;
  • Record and tabulate funds from all PTO group sponsored events;
  • Prepare forms for deposit and disbursements;
  • Make copies of all receipts and checks;
  • The Treasurer shall report on the financial status, including all committed dollar amounts of the organization by preparing a monthly report showing income and expenditures at all PTO meetings;
  • Maintain a list of potential financial needs and/or activities usually supported each year.

Trustee: The Trustee (a Hoppin staff member) shall perform the following duties:

  • Attend all meetings
  • Serve as a liaison between the PTO and Hoppin staff
  • Represent the PTO at events

Should a vacancy of an Executive Board member occur the Board shall appoint a replacement.

The Executive Board can approve the disbursement of funding for immediate needs when the total amount is less than $250.00. For disbursements over $250.00, approval shall be obtained through a vote at a regularly scheduled PTO meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

PTO members present at a meeting can approve disbursements of up to $500.00. Any disbursements over $500.00 must be placed on the agenda but not voted on until the following month’s PTO meeting.

The PTO’s fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.

The PTO shall hold meetings at least once a month beginning in September and ending in Jun, but may meet more often if needed to conduct business. The Executive Board may meet at any time to discuss matters pertinent to the governance of the PTO or the planning of meetings or events. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or any 2 of the Executive Board members.

These bylaws may be reviewed every year and revised as needed.

ARTICLE IX—Parliamentary Authority
Decisions shall be governed by majority rule.

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