'Tis the season - to complete the FAFSA!
Here are a couple of video resources to assist you with that process. As always, if you hit any snags reach out to Mr. Miller of any of us in the Guidance Department for help.
- An estimated $100 million in scholarships goes unawarded each year. This is mostly due to a lack of applicants. There’s plenty of money out there to help pay tuition, you just need to find it and work for it!
- Scholarship providers evaluate many factors when selecting scholarship recipients, not just grades. You don’t have to have a 4.0 GPA to be considered for a scholarship.
- Check out our Scholarship Resources and start applying today!
Join us Wednesday, Nov. 4, in the HS cafeteria. See the flyer for details.
An accessible PDF of this flyer is also available.
We will offer an opportunity to test out of classes prior to the start of second semester on Wednesday, November 11, starting at 9 a.m. in the High School cafeteria. Please see the sign-up form for details. You must be signed up to test out. More detailed information and a link to select study guides can be found on the Guidance Department's Testing Out webpage. Please contact the Guidance Office if you have any questions.
The Three Rivers High School Guidance Department applied for and received a Michigan College Access Network grant for the senior signs that have lined the High School entrances over the month of March. After having to cancel our annual Decision Day celebration, we were so happy to be granted this opportunity to display our pride in our graduation seniors! The signs will go home with seniors to display on their own lawns following graduation. Please see the MCAN press release for more information on their COVID-19 Response Grants.
The Michigan Association of State Universities recently released a statement regarding their admissions plans for the fall. Particularly helpful is a list of specific contacts for each Admissions Office if you have questions.
The Testing Out session scheduled for February 6 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 11, at 2:45. Let Mrs. Weed or Mrs. Concannon know ASAP if you are unable to attend on the new date so that a failure to report does not count as one of your testing opportunities. Check in with the Guidance Office if you have any questions.
What is EMC?
The Early Middle College program provides high school students an opportunity to receive a high school diploma in addition to one of the following:
- An occupational certificate;
- An Associate degree;
- Up to two years of credit toward a Bachelor's degree.
Students enrolled in EMC attend an additional year (13th grade) to complete both high school and college requirements. See the Glen Oaks EMC website for more details or come see Mrs. Weed in the Guidance Office.
How Do I Enroll?
Early Middle College enrollment for current 9th and 10th grade students is now open for the 2020-21 school year.
To begin the process, complete the Application EMC Form on Etrieve. If you have a Glen Oaks login, use the main login boxes. If you do not have a GOCC login yet, click on the Gmail icon to login using your school Gmail account. See Mrs. Weed in the Guidance Office if you need help.
Save the Date
The deadline for enrollment is May 29, 2020. EMC Boot Camp is July 28-30, 2020. This is a requirement.