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Mission Statement

Our mission at TRMS is to foster a positive learning environment.  Students will become active learners who strive towards grade level content mastery.  TRMS staff, along with committed students and parents, will work to ensure student success through comprehensive, research-based instruction.


  • Special recognition is given to students on a monthly basis, culminating with a special year-end celebration.
  • Student Council sponsored “Canned Food Drive."
  • A wide variety of interscholastic athletic programs are offered for girls and boys: cross-country, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, tennis, track and field.
  • Two hundred and six (206) computers have been installed at the middle school with high speed Internet.
  • Comprehensive exploratory programming offered including: healthy, computers, physical education, family consumer science, teen leadership, art, and cross training.
  • Music programs offered include band and choir.
  • Host for Senior Citizen Day.
  • Science Olympiad competition
  • All-school Art Show at the Carnegie Center
  • Middle School Math Meet.
  • Automation of Media Center.
  • Variety of assembly programs for students.
  • Use of PowerSchool technology to enhance parental communication.
  • Strength building classes in Math (Delta Math) and Language Arts (Reading Intervention).

School Improvement

  • School Improvement goals are linked to improved student achievement. The major focus is improvement of MSTEP scores through:
  • Strengthening language arts (writing, reading) skills
  • Improving performance in math objectives.
  • Aligning and revising of Science curriculum to prepare students for the new high school graduation requirements in Science.

Additional components addressed within the School Improvement process include:

  • Staff development based on individual needs of staff.
  • Student services through the guidance department.
  • Strategies to enhance student learning and achievement.
  • School climate.
  • Parent communication.
  • Curriculum alignment through data analysis.
  • The Six National Education Goals are:
  • All children in America will start school ready to learn.
  • The high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90%.
  • Testing at four grade levels will demonstrate that students have competence in challenging subject matter, and schools will ensure that all students learn to use their minds well in preparation for responsible citizenship.
  • U.S. students will be the first in the world in science and mathematics achievement.
  • Every adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy and to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
  • Every school in America will be free of drugs and violence and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning.
  • The staff and administration at Three Rivers Middle School are committed to meet these goals.

Continued focus is given to goals 3, 4 and 6 throughout our building school improvement plans and district school improvement plans to represent the true middle school

  • Goal 3 – Three Rivers Middle School teachers work together to collectively provide instruction that will help students to master subject matter and to use.
  • Goal 4 – The math program emphasizes hand-on experience, reading and problem solving to master math skills. This program also aligns with the high school curriculum and prepares students for success in high school math courses.
  • Goal 6 – Three Rivers Middle School students are exposed to a number of programs which would help them to realize the importance of being drug and violence free.

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