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The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students

to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

About Us

Beacon HealthPAWS A program of Three Rivers Health. Black paw print circled Prevention & Wellness Services


PAWS Community Adolescent Health Center and

School Based E3 Program


About Us

The School Linked PAWS CAHC  

In 2010 Three Rivers Health worked collaboratively with Three Rivers Community Schools, the Community Health Agency of Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph County, and Community Mental Health to submit a grant application to the Child and Adolescent Health Center Program, a division of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, for the purpose of opening a school linked health center. 

School Linked Health Center models are nationally recognized as one of the best ways to provide effective, efficient, and appropriate health care services to adolescents. These health centers are primary care clinics providing medical and mental/behavioral health screening and treatment for young people near school grounds.  Statistics reveal that middle and high school aged children have the lowest utilization of health care services of any age group, and are the least likely of any age group to seek care at a provider’s office.  School Linked Health Centers help eliminate transportation barriers to appointments, reduce time that students miss school, and increase access to healthcare services.

Three Rivers Health was awarded the grant, and in October 2011 the Prevention and Wellness Services (PAWS) School Linked Community Adolescent Health Center (CAHC) opened its doors.  And since opening its doors, the health center has provided over 17,000 medical visits, administered over 9000 immunizations, and has provided over 5000 Mental/Behavioral Health visits.  

PAWS Community Adolescent Health Center Brochure (PDF)

The School Based Enhancing, Expanding Emotional Health (E3) Program

The mental health status of today’s youth has become a growing concern with 37% of teens reporting feeling sad and hopeless, and 1 in 5 admitting they have seriously considered attempting suicide.  Teens report being bullied, and more than half report they have experienced at least one traumatic even in their lifetime.  Additionally many students in Michigan lack adequate access to mental health services.  Increasingly, families cannot afford time away from school and work to seek services. Many families live in areas with limited mental health providers and lack health insurance, money, transportation and knowledge of how to navigate the mental health care system. 

As a result, the Child and Adolescent Health Center Program, established the Enhancing, Expanding Emotional Health (E3) Program to provide access to comprehensive mental health services for children and adolescents in a school-based location by a licensed mental health professional. The school setting is an ideal place to provide mental/behavioral health support to students by eliminating transportation barriers and reducing time that students miss school. A major emphasis of this program is to provide students within the target school building access to a range of prevention, early intervention, support, referral, and coordination services that help to improve their social and emotional well-being.

In 2019, Three Rivers Health and the PAWS Community Adolescent Health Center in collaboration with Three Rivers Community School submitted an application for a grant and was awarded funding to start an E3 Program within Three Rivers Middle School. The program is an extension of the PAWS Community Adolescent Health Center with a private office located within the Middle School. 

The School Based Enhancing, Expanding Emotional Health (E3) Program - Brochure (.PDF)


MDCH logo: Michigan Department of Community HealthChild and Adolescent Health Center Program logoMichigan Department of Education logo

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