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Q & A- Return to Learn

Dear TRCS Staff and TRCS parents -

Thank you again for participating in the Town Hall meetings on Wednesday, August 12th, 2020. Your comments and questions were much appreciated. Below you will find the Questions, and the answers that were asked by both groups. I hope you will find some clarity in the questions you may have asked, and we will continue to review our plan and safety protocols in order to provide the safest working and learning environments for our staff and students.

Ron Moag - Superintendent

The below questions were submitted by teachers, staff and parents.

Return to Learn Q & A
Topic: Facial Coverings

Q: If we can't space them 6 feet apart does that mean they have to wear masks in the classroom?

A: For preK- 5th grade wearing of masks in the classroom is not required, but is strongly recommended, especially if they are within 2 feet or less of each other.

 For Middle School and High School students they are required to wear face masks.

Q: Can teachers require that students wear masks in the classroom?

A: Pertaining to Pre-K through 5th graders, if students are within 2 feet of each other it is strongly recommended that students wear masks.

For Middle School and High School students they are required to wear masks in the classroom.

Q: Is there any way we can look at whether students at the elementary level are able to have recess without masks?  If the masks are only recommended indoors and they are in a classroom all day, it seems like outdoors would be a good time to allow them to have a break from the masks.

A:  According to Rebecca Burns-St. Joseph County Health Department Officer, as long as classes remain together, don’t mix, and are following 6 ft social distancing, students do not need to wear masks.  Only one classroom outside in one area at a time.

Q: What will the protocol be to handle students trading masks?

A: If students have traded masks, the teacher and/or staff member will take their masks, and provide them with a new one to wear. If this continues, the process in place for non-compliance will kick-in, which could lead up to removal of school and placed in virtual on-line learning.

Q: With using the verbiage of "strongly recommended", what if a parent says they don't want their kid wearing a mask in the classroom?

A: The parent/guardian will need to meet with the Principal to provide rationale and medical documentation on why their student is unable to wear a mask.

Q: Are the masks going to be protective at all considering the circulated air in the building?

A: Yes, according to the Center for Disease Control, mask wearing is one of the most effective ways of combating the spread of COVID-19.  Fresh Air intake settings  have been maximised at all schools and teachers are encouraged to supplement this by opening windows if possible.  Windows on buses will also be open, weather permitting, to increase fresh air on the buses for student transportation

Q: Do you need a doctor's note if your child cannot wear a mask?

A: Yes, a physician’’s note is required if your child cannot wear a mask due to medical reasons.

Q: Are face shields able to be worn instead of a mask?

A: No, face shields still require wearing a face covering underneath.



Topic: Virtual Educational Setting

Q: Why can't our teachers teach our students?

A: If committed to full-time remote learning before full commitment to Lincoln Learning then that is possible.  With face to face/hybrid learning, we do not have the staffing to commit to full time for those who choose the virtual option.  In face to face learning, it was clear that teachers asked not to have the commitment for both settings.  It would be an extreme amount of work to be successful with both settings.

Q:Will Teachers have access to all of our caseload student's courses?  Even if we aren't mentors?

A: Special Education teachers will have access to their student’s academic, and behavioral information.

Q: What about elementary students that are choosing virtual but were not at grade level and not special ed students? How do they get placed in virtual?

A:  All students are required to have access to grade level material

  • Stated in MI SafeSchool Roadmap

    • Every student will start the year with access to grade-level instruction and high quality, standards-aligned instructional materials in every subject. 

    • Every student will be assessed on their understanding of prerequisite skills and grade-level proficiencies using formative assessments, screeners, or diagnostics.

Q: Do we know at this time the specific staff who will be mentors?

A:  No, our plans are being finalized during the week of August 24th.

Q: Can students switch from virtual learning to face to face after semester ends?

A:  Yes

Q: Does this mean that we will be teaching some form of RTI to students virtually, or will students be enrolled into a remedial course to support?

A:  There will not be RTI groups for virtual students, if tutoring or additional support is requested the mentor will step in.

Q: I know the mentors are in place for virtual students, but if students are not doing work or getting behind, what is in place to make them accountable? WE had families that already didn't work this spring and they are now choosing virtual.

A:  Truancy protocols will be followed if two way communication and pacing does not meet expectations

Q: For students that are starting the year doing virtual learning, how do they proceed with Band/Marching Band? Do they have to be driven into the school each day to attend band class?

A: Yes, students will need to provide transportation for band, choir, sports, etc

Q: For students that were getting one on one with reading & math, will they be able to continue with that?

A:  This will be handled on an individual case-by-case basis. IEPs will be reviewed and FAPE will be provided.

Q: Does online learning have to take place during a certain time of day?

A:  No, students just need to keep up with daily and weekly pacing.

Q: Does virtual also have schedule classes as well?

A:   No, students just need to keep up with daily and weekly pacing.

Q: For Elementary kids, how many hours are expected online?

A:  35-50 minutes per course, depending on grade level

Q: So how does attendance work, if it is self paced?

A:  If not on pace, truancy process may start; expected to stay on weekly pace set by teacher

Q: What about honors students? Would we still be in honors classes in Lincoln Learning?

A:  AP is available; honors courses are not at high school

Q: What was the reasoning for not utilizing our own teachers for online learning?

A: Managing online learning and face to face learning at the same time is not an option due to the number of students who want face-to-face instruction. 

The district instructional task team discussed and felt utilizing a third party platform was the best educational online learning platform.

Q: If my child is virtual and participating in sports, I know they have to have transportation.  Do they need transport to the school to ride the bus with the team - or do they have to have transportation to the meet separate from the team?

A: If your child is participating in athletics, TRCS will provide transportation from school to the athletic event and back to school

Q: How are Special Education Services provided in the virtual option?

A: Special Education teachers will still be supporting general education instruction in Lincoln Learning, providing services to support IEP goals. Individual student Contingency Learning Plans will be developed and implemented to continue to provide FAPE in the virtual setting.

Q: What are the attendance/truancy requirements for the virtual setting?

A:  Daily attendance, weekly pacing - must stay on pace

Q: My child is assigned a 1-on-1 as part of their IEP. How is the requirement met in the virtual setting?

A: This will be handled on an individual case-by-case basis. IEPs will be reviewed and Contingency Learning Plans will be developed so that FAPE can continue to be provided. 

Q: What about special needs students that need several breaks or calming and can’t be online for 6 hrs?

A: Contingency Learning Plans will be developed to support students in the virtual setting. IEPs will be reviewed in this process and FAPE will be provided.

Q: How is the school supporting the parents for virtual?

A: Mentors are available to support as needed, special education teachers, and other building staff will be reaching out to parents frequently to make sure they are receiving all of the support they need


Topic: Blended/Hybrid Educational Setting

Q: Why is K-5 face to face? How are we going to achieve 6 foot distancing? Are we going to have extra help in the classroom for all the needs with students?

A:Elementary principals and teachers discussed if it was possible to be face to face with recommended 6ft distancing then that would be preferred.  Based on the MI Roadmap, face to face is permissible with 6 ft recommended, not required.  Remote learning for younger students is difficult, therefore, face to face is the better option.

Q: Why did the plan change?

A: After the first infographic was shared we learned more from the roadmap, worked with the local health department, and communicated with districts around us that allowed us to update to the desire to have full face to face if permissible.  The instructional team was part of the process.

Q: Are you going to supply microphones for the classrooms since kids won't be able to hear us with masks on?  Our current ones no longer work.

A: Yes, the plan is to provide classroom teachers the necessary tools to deliver a quality educational experience.

Q: How do the 3 days online for MS & HS work? Approximate # hours per day?  Live lessons/interaction or google classroom assignments

A:  Hybrid Schedule 

Team Purple (M/T Face to Face)







1st Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below

1st Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


2nd Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below


2nd Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]

3rd Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below

3rd Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


4th Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below


4th Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]

5th Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below

5th Hour 

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


6th Hour

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

See Chart Below


6th Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


Team White  (Th/F Face to Face)







1st Hour

1st Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

2nd Hour


2nd Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]

See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

3rd Hour

3rd Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

4th Hour


4th Hour

Remote Content

[2 Hours]

See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

5th Hour

5th Hour 

Remote Content

[2 Hours]


See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]

6th Hour


6th Hour 

Remote Content

[2 Hours]

See chart below

Face to Face

[In School]

Face to Face

[In School]


Wednesday Remote Schedule (Hourly)

10 Minutes: Morning Message

15 Minutes: Review of Previously Taught Content (Essential Standards)

15: Whole Group Support

15 Minutes: Individual Support

Q: If we move to phase 1-3,  will students be moved to Virtual Learning Option?  Or will it be TR staff with students remote?

A:  Face to Face students will be moved to Remote Learning taught by TRCS teachers. They will not be moved to the Virtual Learning option.

Q: Will kids have recess outdoors daily

A:  Yes

Q: For middle school, the 3 days virtual will not be the same as the spring? Not google hangout meetings? Simply videos and assignments online?

A: 3 days remote learning will take place for MS and HS students. MS and HS teachers will utilize assignments, projects, videos, and other virtual instructional resources to deliver course content over the 3 days of remote learning.

Q: How will Special Education services be provided to students enrolled in the Hybrid/Blended program?

A:  Individual Education Plans  will be reviewed and FAPE will be provided by TRCS Special Education teachers.  Contingency Learning Plans will be developed to support general education instruction and provide services on an individual case-by-case basis.

Q: My child is assigned a 1-on-1 as part of their IEP. How is the requirement met in the hybrid/blended setting?

A: This will be handled on an individual case-by-case basis. IEPs will be reviewed and Contingency Learning Plans will be developed so that FAPE and support services can continue to be provided.

Q: Explain how assignments graded and report cards are completed in the hybrid setting.

A:  Grading and feedback are required.  Assignments will be graded as in the past, however, students are provided support in class if he/she needs additional assistance.

Q: What about special needs students that need several breaks or calming and can’t be online for 6 hrs?

A: Contingency Learning Plans will be developed to support students in the virtual setting. IEPs will be reviewed in this process and FAPE will be provided.


Topic: Cleaning

Q: How safe are the cleaning products? Will there be locked areas in each room to keep them in?

A:  According to the CDC, cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of spreading infection by reducing and killing germs on surfaces people frequently touch.  The cleaning chemicals utilized by the district are registered with the EPA and approved for use in school settings.  Cleaning frequencies will be increased and additional staff (Teachers, ParaPros, Building Support Staff) will now be required to perform cleaning activities in their respective areas multiple times throughout each day.  Cleaning chemical supplies will be secured and/or directly issued to and monitored by Teachers and building staff

Q: Per the Safe Schools Plan, it is required that surfaces be disinfected with an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution--not just sanitized--and gloves and face shields must be provided to staff for this process. None of the disinfectants nor bleach are meant for use on skin. How can we meet these requirements with a product that doubles as a disinfectant and hand sanitizer? Please share the label and SDS for this product.

A: Product 1 - St Julian Sanitizer - Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Antiseptic 80% Topical Solution - Follows FDA & WHO Guidelines for Antiseptic Sanitizers.  (NDC: 74150-074-01)

The hand sanitizer is manufactured using only the following United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) grade 

ingredients in the preparation of the product (percentage in final product formulation) consistent with

World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations:

a. Alcohol (ethanol) (USP or Food Chemical Codex (FCC) grade) (80%, volume/volume (v/v))

in an aqueous solution denatured according to Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

regulations in 27 CFR part 20.

b. Glycerol (1.45% v/v).

c. Hydrogen peroxide (0.125% v/v).

d. Sterile distilled water or boiled cold water.

Product 2 - HIL0081600 Re-Juv-Nal - A phosphate-free, pH neutral formulation designed to provide effective cleaning, deodorizing, and disinfection where housekeeping is of prime importance in controlling cross-contamination from treated surfaces.  (EPA Reg. No. 1839-169-1658)

Product 3 - HIL0082400 Q.T.® Plus - A hospital-grade disinfectant/detergent, cleaner, sanitizer, fungicide, mildewstat, virucide, deodorizer that cleans and controls the hazard of cross-contamination from environmental surfaces. (EPA Reg. No. 6836-77-1658)

Q: How/when will restrooms be sanitized? Asking in regards to both student and staff restrooms.

A: Restrooms and High Touch Areas will be sanitized every 4 hours (morning/afternoon)

Q: I know that it was stated that students can help clean but can a parent say that they do not want their child handling those harsh chemicals? Or can they send in their own sanitizing wipes for their child's desk? (store bought)

A:  District employees (Teachers, Support Staff, Building Staff) will perform cleaning activities requiring the utilization of registered cleaning chemicals and will be provided with district supplied materials to perform required cleaning and district supplied PPE equipment for utilization during the performance of cleaning activities.

Q: Will the student bathrooms in the HS have paper towels to use for drying hands, or will they continue using the air dryers? Will the faucets be routinely checked to make sure the sensors are functioning?

A:  Paper towel dispensers have been installed in all district bathrooms as an alternative to air drying.  Bathrooms will be cleaned, following the CDC cleaning recommendations, every 4 hours during operating hours and restocked as necessary.  Building staff will report any malfunctioning equipment utilizing the FMX Maintenance Work Order System and appropriate repairs will be made as soon as possible.

Q: How do we disinfect during the day with one custodian? (HS)

A:  Cleaning and disinfection will be performed by all staff, limited to their respective areas and following the CDC Cleaning and Disinfection recommendations.  “Day Shift” Custodial team members' work duties have been changed to provide them with time to complete cleaning of bathrooms and common areas on a daily basis.

Q: Our custodial (GRBS) company struggles to get regular cleaning can we trust them to clean appropriately for COVID?

A:  Daily cleaning specifications are currently being revised with GRBS to address new cleaning responsibilities.  Cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of spreading infection by reducing and killing germs on surfaces people frequently touch.  As such, frequent cleaning and disinfection decreases the risk of spreading infection.  This requires EVERYONE to be engaged in cleaning and disinfecting on a daily basis.  Building staff and the Custodial Operations Coordinator currently engage in both formal and informal daily Building Inspections to identify cleaning deficiencies that are then documented in the FMX Maintenance System and assigned for resolution. 

Q: So for the elementary staff, we are cleaning during the day instead of instruction? Since we are 5 days a week.

A:  Cleaning/disinfection of “High Touch” Areas takes approximately 3 -5 minutes in most classrooms.  At the Elementary level this should occur at minimum once every 4 hours.  At the Secondary level this should occur between classroom changes and/or once every 4 hours.

Q: Does this mean the elementary schools will have custodial services throughout the day or staff is responsible for cleaning?

A:  Cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of spreading infection by reducing and killing germs on surfaces people frequently touch.  As such, frequent cleaning and disinfection decreases the risk of spreading infection.  This requires EVERYONE to be engaged in cleaning and disinfecting on a daily basis.

Q: Who will monitor and sanitize restrooms? Could COVID-19  be spread from the water the toilet sprays? Meaning that if one student uses the restroom and there are fecal germs in the air, and another student comes in right after, that new student could come in contact and then spread the germs elsewhere. Will there be a bathroom log for contact tracing purposes?

A:  Building staff will be monitoring bathroom usage and limiting usage so bathroom users may maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible.  Bathrooms will be cleaned and disinfected multiple times a day, every 4 hours at a minimum, and deep cleaned and disinfected each night.  Students are required to wear face coverings when in hallways and in transition to other rooms and as such should be wearing face coverings while utilizing the restroom.


Topic: Spacing & Movement

Q: My child sits at a table in school. How are they going to achieve distancing?

A:  Students will be distanced to the greatest extent possible.  To support social distancing Principals are classroom teachers are installing additional seating in classrooms to support social distancing.

Q: Will lockers be used?

A: Yes


Topic: Screening Students & Staff

Q: Will you be doing random covid tests and doing random temperature checks?

A: No.

Q: Where will the quarantine room be WHEN a student becomes ill?

A: Each building has identified a quarantine room for children who become ill. They will be frequently monitored by a staff member until their parent/guardian picks them up from school.

Q: Who will be in the sick room to watch over the possible sick student(s) until the parents show up?

A: A staff member who has been designated by the principal to frequently monitor ill student(s) until a parent comes to pick up their student(s).


Topic: Testing Protocols for Staff & Responding to Positive Cases

Q: What happens if a teacher gets covid? The recovery can be months long how will that be handled. Do personal days get used?

A: Under Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) an employee will be paid 10 days of wages from an added bank of leave time.

Q: How are we handling a teacher or other staff member that tests positive?

A: Staff will work with their supervisors to report any illness, symptoms, and testing. Supervisors will inform the Director of Business Operations, Blair Brindley, who will let Supt. Moag know, and then work with the supervisors and the Health Department to determine course of action and contact tracing if needed.

Q: Is there a limit to how many times we can be quarantined?

A: This is unknown at this time as it is not known if you can contract COVID-19 multiple times.

Q: I think my biggest concern is the length of time I could be out if sick. It took a friend of mine two months to recover. How will that work if a teacher is out for an extended amount of time? Will they be required to use sick days?  Will sub plans be expected?

A: 2 weeks is covered under new law without use of personal leave banks. Anytime after the two weeks will come from the employee’s personal leave bank. Sub plans are expected.

Q: What happens if a teacher tests positive?

A: They should report this to their Supervisor. The Supervisor will report this to Director of Business Operations- Blair Brindley  Who will then follow up with them and make contact with the County Health Department and world through any contact tracing from there. As soon as the staff member tests positive or thinks they may have contact with a positive person, they should quarantine.


Topic: Food Service

Q: How is lunch time being handled?

A: Lunch will be served in the classrooms for K through 5th. Students will walk, one class at a time with their mask on, down to the cafeteria to get their food. They will then return to their classrooms to eat under noon aide supervision. Grades 6-12 will eat in the cafeterias. At the MS, the grades will be small enough that they can socially distance in the cafeteria without changing the tables. At the HS the tables are being exchanged for the extra desks coming out of the classrooms to allow for social distancing. In all cafeterias there will be floor and table markings to help students identify proper spacing.

Q: Will there be any sort of meal distribution for families that are doing the online learning?

A: Yes, we will have it set up similar to this last spring with days and times available for pick up.


Topic: Medically Vulnerable Students & Staff

Q: What preventative actions are we putting in place for high risk teachers?

A: If staff are high risk, they are asked to identify themselves and provide medical documentation. We will work with employees through the 7 leave and accommodation options as best we can to find where they fit and how we can best support them.


Additional Questions

Q: Why has there been such limited communication?

A: Due to the constant changes that keep occurring we decided to wait until we had some of the missing pieces of information (ie: health department guidance regarding how to manage COVID-19 in schools) before we sent out communications.

Q: Has anyone reviewed the KPS plan?

A: We did look at the KPS plan, as well as, a number of other Return to Learn Plans across the state.

Q: Why are we only doing a town hall this late?

A: Due to the constant changes that keep occurring we decided to wait until we had some of the missing pieces of information (ie: health department guidance regarding how to manage COVID-19 in schools) before deciding to have a town hall meeting.

Q: Are we basing our opening solely on the phase that Michigan is currently in?

A: In addition to the Return to Learn Roadmap for Phase 4, we are in consultation frequently with our St. Joseph Health Department which provides us guidance on our Return to Learn plans.

Q: Have there been any positive cases in TR athletics, band, or any activity thus far?

A: No cases have been contracted from working or being a student on campus as of the date of this posting.

Q: I have gone back and forth about voicing my opinion, but because so many questions are about how to keep people safe, how many times we can quarantine, etc, I guess I'm at a loss about why we don't begin remotely and then move into a hybrid model?

A: We will not be able to, with 100% ensurance, keep everyone safe from COVID-19. I can tell you if everyone wears their masks, and follows the safety protocols (required and strongly recommended) that we have put in place, we will be doing our part to significantly reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. We are currently in Phase 4 which allows us to have face-to-face instruction options. Our District Return to Learn Task team, in consultation with our St. Joseph Health Department believes that returning to face-to-face is the most educationally sound for our students. We also know that we have approx. 25%-30% of our students and families who want just virtual learning 100% of the time. This is why we are offering both options.

Q: Is anything being done about the substitute shortage? What is the plan for anticipated absences due to required isolation and quarantine for staff?

A: We are currently working on this issue. We don’t have an answer to the ongoing substitute teacher shortage.

Q: if we start virtually, why wouldn't we just keep the kids? Reassess a kid's desire for in person schooling when we move to a hybrid, hypothetically when it's safer to do so. That way we keep the money in the district and use our own staff.

A: If we start the school year remotely(because we are moved to Phase 3) all of our students will be taught remotely by TRCS teachers. If we start school in our face-to-face models, and we are moved back into Phase 3 - and required to go remotely, the students who started in face-to-face instruction, will go to remote learning, taught by our TRCS teachers, and those who started with Lincoln online Learning will stay with Lincoln Learning.

We are utilizing over half of our CARES Act  Federal Funding grant we received back in April 2020 to pay for Lincoln Learning.

Q: If we know that we don't have the supplies and resources to keep EVERYONE safe why aren't we just starting out the year with REMOTE learning?

A: We do have the supplies and resources to start school. We will not be able to, with 100% ensurance, keep everyone safe from COVID-19. I can tell you if everyone wears their masks, and follows the safety protocols (required and strongly recommended) that we have put in place, we will be doing our part to significantly reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. We are currently in Phase 4 which allows us to have face-to-face instruction options. Our District Return to Learn Task team, in consultation with our St. Joseph Health Department believes that returning to face-to-face is the most educationally sound for our students. We also know that we have approx. 25%-30% of our students and families who want just virtual learning 100% of the time. This is why we are offering both options.

Q: What is the deadline we have set for deciding whether to go all remote?  It sounds like going remote would save a lot of money and allow students to be with highly qualified teacher.

A: There is not a deadline set on us deciding when to go remote. If Governor Whitmer moves us back into Phase 3 because the spread of COVID-19 is not declining, then we would be going back to remote learning. There is no concrete answer to this question.

Q: Why is the District picking and choosing which Road Map requirements we follow?

A: In phase 4 and 5 we are required to follow all of the required recommendations, and highly encouraged to follow the strongly recommended steps in the Return to Learn Road Map.

Q: If we are all under the same restrictions from the governor then why is Paw Paw in school 5 days a week and portage / Kalamazoo is different from three rivers also? Why aren't all the schools being done the same way?

A: Because Governor Whitmer and the legislators in Lansing would not mandate one form of educational delivery over the other. As long as we stay in Phase 4 or above, they have allowed individual school districts to make the choice regarding the way we deliver education.

Q: Why did we decide to start face to face when it is obviously so dangerous?

A: We are, and will continue to consult with our St. Joseph County Health Department regarding the spread of COVID-19. Based on working closely with our health department, and the guidance from the Governors Return to Learn Roadmap, and the current phase we are in (Phase 4) - we believe offering a face-to-face option and virtual learning option covered the needs of our students and their families.

Q: Can someone speak to returning to public school as far as how complicated it will be if we choose to home-school until the pandemic is over?

A: It should not be complicated. Our recommendation is that you seek out a quality home-school curriculum to use that has courses that align to the common core standards we are required to teach. When the pandemic is over, you can schedule an appointment at the school your student attends, or will attend in Three Rivers in order to find out what grade and courses your student would be scheduled into based on the homeschooling that took place.

Q: Will the school start date be pushed back again?

A: As of August 17th, 2020, there are no plans to push the start date even further.

Q: Will there be additional town hall meetings prior to the start of school?

A: Yes, dates have yet to be determined.

Q: When can parents expect to get detailed information on the school reopening plan?

A: Week of August 17th, 2020.

Q:If I choose to put my children in a program outside of Three Rivers Community Schools (I would prefer to stay) will their outside education/transcripts affect their future with the district?

A: No, once we have the transcripts from the school the student is returning from, we can build a schedule for them based on the classes they already have taken.


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