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The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students

to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020


Dear TRCS Families & Community,


The entire TRCS team continues to meet (virtually and in small groups) to work through the constant information and executive orders we are receiving out of Lansing, and the Federal Government. We thank you for your continued patience during these challenging times.

As of today, there has been no additional information regarding our school closure timeline. If, and when we do get any additional information we will share that out through our website, and social media platforms.

We have created a COVID-19 Closure resource link on a District webpage where you can find information pertaining to district food sites for breakfast and lunch for our students, Community Food Resources for our families and community members, student learning resources, and other important information regarding this closure.

Starting on Monday, March 23rd through Sunday, April 5th – we are limiting our access to all of our buildings to essential personnel. Essential personnel are:

District Office personnel

District Maintenance/Grounds/Custodial

Transportation (on an as-needed basis)

Food Service (on an as-needed basis)

We are asking that if you need to contact anyone in the district, please use the following channels to do so: Email or by phone.

District office contact information is:

269-279-1100, or by email –

High School:

Principal- Carrie Balk 269-279-1120, or by email -

Middle School:

Principal - Pete Olsen, 269-279-1130, or by email -

Park Elementary:

Principal - Cindy Newell, 269-279-1143, or by email -

Hoppin Elementary:

Principal - David Soderquist, 269-279-1142, or by email -

Andrews Elementary:

Principal - Ben McIntyre, 269-279-1140, or by email -

Norton Elementary:

Principal - Jennifer Graber, 269-244-1144,  or by email -


We know that your student(s) may have numerous questions regarding the COVID-19 virus. Below are some suggestions that might assist you with the questions they raise.


Keep Explanations Age Appropriate

  • Early elementary school children need brief, simple information that should balance COVID-19 facts with appropriate reassurances that their schools and homes are safe and that adults are there to help keep them healthy and to take care of them if they do get sick. Give simple examples of the steps people take every day to stop germs and stay healthy, such as washing hands. Use language such as “adults are working hard to keep you safe.”
  • Upper elementary and early middle school children will be more vocal in asking questions about whether they truly are safe and what will happen if COVID-19 comes to their school or community. They may need assistance separating reality from rumor and fantasy. Discuss efforts of school and community leaders to prevent germs from spreading.
  • Upper middle school and high school students are able to discuss the issue in a more in-depth (adult-like) fashion and can be referred directly to appropriate sources of COVID-19 facts. Provide honest, accurate, and factual information about the current status of COVID-19. Having such knowledge can help them feel a sense of control.

Additional Points to Emphasize When Talking to Children

  • Adults at home and school are taking care of your health and safety. If you have concerns, please talk to an adult you trust.
  • Not everyone will get the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. School and health officials are being especially careful to make sure as few people as possible get sick.
  • It is important that all students treat each other with respect and not jump to conclusions about who may or may not have COVID-19.

We know that the information regarding the COVID-19 virus changes frequently, sometimes by the minute. We all can do our part in slowing the spread of this virus down by only traveling if it is necessary, limiting our face-to-face interactions (social distancing), and continue to practice the daily general health guidelines for combating the spread of COVID-19 published by our St. Joseph County Health department.

Please go to our district website ( for updated information and resources regarding our school closure. Thank you again for your continued support and patience as we navigate through this difficult time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at; or call (269) 279-1100.



Ron Moag –Superintendent

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Google Maps851 Sixth Ave Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: (269) 279-1100       Fax: (269) 279-5584