LIve Más Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Students must be between 16 and 26 years old.
- Students must be a legal resident of the US or District of Columbia.
- Awards are up to $25,000.
- Students must be on track to enroll in an accredited post high school/post secondary educational program.
- Must be willing to work with the Taco Bell Scholarship Management Company through the application and award process.
- Taco Bell employees must apply to the Employee version of the Scholarship program.
- Submit a 30 second to 2 minute video addressing the three questions found in the instructions.
- Go to the Live Más Scholarship page to find the application and information, and instructions
- Due January 8, 2025
(Edited 11/4/24)
GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship program
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- National program awards college scholarships to high school seniors who embody the characteristics of President Ronald Reagan at school, in the community, in the workplace and at home.
- Recipients receive $10,000 renewable scholarships up to $40,000 per student.
- Opens mid October. Deadline: January 3rd, 2025
- Go to the Regan Foundation Scholarship site to apply.
(Edited 10/9/24)
American Legion-Guy M. Wilson Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $1000 available to Michigan’s high schools sons and daughters of Veterans, planning to attend a Michigan College or University
- Selection based on: 2.5 GPA or above, financial data, proof of parent’s military service record
- Brief essay, statement of goals and intentions
- Applications due before January 6, 2025.
- Link to the Guy Wilson Scholarship
(Edited 9/5/24)
American Legion Brewer Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $500 available for Michigan high school or college students who are a son or daughter of a veteran and planning to attend any recognized college or university.
- Based on financial need, student goals and intentions.
- Student must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA
- Proof of parent’s Military Service (DD-214 Form)
- Application due January 6, 2025.
- Link to the Scholarship
(Edited 9/5/24)
Hutt Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- 20 $2000 scholarships
- Application opens in November
- Must write a 750 to 1000 word essay. The essay topic is available on the website.
- Due January 8th, 2025
- Must be a Michigan or Florida high school senior entering a trade school, college or university in the next academic year
- Please visit the Hutt Scholarship page for more information.
- (Edited 10/2/24)
Jackie Robinson Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Be a graduating, minority high school senior.
- Plan to attend an accredited and approved four-year institution within the United States.
- Show leadership potential.
- Demonstrate a dedication to community service.
- Present evidence of financial need.
- Be a United States citizen.
- Submit an official copy of your SAT/ACT scores.
- Not possess a degree from a 2 or 4-year college when applying for the scholarship.
- For more information visit the Jackie Robinson Scholarship website.
- You must apply online.
- Applications opens November 1st.
- Completed application is due by January 9th, 2025.
(Edited 8/21/24)
America's Farmers Grow Ag Leaders Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $1500 scholarship
- Must be a high school senior or full time college student with at least a 2.5 GPA.
- Must be going into a two year or four year agricultural related careerl
- Must include two endorsements from farmers in in eligible counties.
- To complete the application, see which majors qualify, and for more information, go to the FFA scholarship webpage.
- More info in November
- Applications due January 9th, 2025
- (Edited 8/21/24)
Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Students must be a Michigan High School Senior with a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- A Michigan resident
- Accepted for enrollment in a two or four year college, university or trade school
- Planning to enroll in a full-time, undergraduate course of study in a broadcast-related field
- Must be working in the broadcasting field or have some type of previous experience
- Students need to attach an essay, recommendation letters, resume and transcript along with the application to apply for this $750.00 scholarship
- Go to the Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation to find the application, and submit it by January 10, 2025.
(Edited 9/5/24)
DECA Student Scholarships
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Students who are members of DECA can apply for a variety of different DECA Scholarships.
- Deadline: January 10th, 2025
- Go to the DECA Student Scholarship page to apply, and to see rules and FAQ's
(Edited 10/9/24)
DFA Cares Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Students must be incoming freshman, high school seniors, or recent graduates
- Must be going into a field in the dairy industry.
- Deadline: January 10th, 2025
- Go to the DFA Carest Scholarship page for information, rules, and the application
(Edited 10/28/24)
MENSA Student Scholarships
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Several $2500 scholarships are available
- Must be a US citizen or permanent US resident
- Must write a 550 word essay that describes the students career, vocational, or academic goals.
- Deadline: January 15th, 2025
- Go to the MENSA Student Scholarship page to apply, and to see rules as well as the FAQ's
(Edited 9/20/24)
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Click the APIASF General Scholarship link for more information.
- Must be an US citizen, national or permanent resident of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestory.
- Must fill out the FAFSFA
- Enrolling in an accredited college for Fall 2024
- Have a 2.7 or higher GPA and one letter of recommendation.
- Opens November 15th
- Application due January 15th, 2025 by 5pm.
- (Edited 9/24/24)
GFWC-MI Arts and Nursing Scholarship
(Not Yet Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- The General Federation of Women’s Clubs - Michigan is offering two $500 Scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year. One is for someone entering the Nursing field, the other is for the Arts..
- Please email the application and supporting documents to by
January 15th 2024.
- For questions: contact Sue Jackson - Three Rivers Woman’s Club Scholarship Committee at 269-535-1433
- Go to the application to apply.
- .Deadline: January 15th, 2024
(Edited 11/1/23)
DeWalt Trades Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Up to 40 $5,000 scholarships available.
- Must be a high school senior, graduate or current post secondary undergraduate students.
- Must have at least a 2.0 GPA.
- Plan to enroll are are enrolled in a in a full time undergraduate study at an accredited two year or vocational technical school for the entire upcoming academic year.
- Major in a degree/certificate fields such as trade construction, motor/power sector, mechanics. For a full list of fields click the information link below.
- For information and to apply online visit the DeWalt Trades Scholarship page.
- Only the first 1000 entries will be considered.
- Due Januruary 17th.2025
(Edited 10/19/24)
John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Essays can be no more than 1,000 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count.
- Applicant must be a US citizen and reside in one of the 50 states.
- Essays must be the original work of the student.
- John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy are not eligible subjects for essays.
- See Contest Information and Writing Tips for more information and the essay topic.
- The deadline for the contest is January 17th 2025.
(Edited 8/21/24)
CSPAN Student Cam 2025
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Students must be in grades 6 through 12 and 18 years old or younger
- Students may be in public, private, or home school
- Submit a 5 to 6 minute video including CSPAN clips using the required yearly theme
- Student prizes range from $250 to $5000
- Go to the CSPAN Student Cam 2022 page to find the application and information, and instructions
- Due January 20, 2025.
(Edited 9/5/24)
United States JCI Scholarship Program
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $1500 scholarships available for those attending an accredited post secondary institution after graduation.
- $1000 available for those attending a vocational trades school after graduation..
- Must be a US citizen
- Must be a graduating high school senior planning on continuing their education at an accredited post secondary educational institution or vocational school
- For more information go to United States JCI Scholarship Program
- All parts of the application are due January 17th, 2025
- (9/20/24)
Orange Scholars Scholarship Program
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Applicant must be a dependent of a full or part time hourly Home Depot employee
- Must be a high school senior, or college freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolling full time into a non profit two or four year college. For profit schools are not eligible.
- Must enroll as an undergraduate student for the fall of 2025
- Parent or guardian must have been an employee for at least one year as of November 1st 2024, and must be an employee at the time the scholarship is awarded.
- Financial need is given the highest consideration.
- Awards are up to $2500
- Opens November 1st
- Application due January 19th, 2025 by 5pm.
- (10/9/424
MCGA Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- Scholarship provided by the Michigan Corn Growers Association.
- Student must be a MCGA member, 17-25 years old.
- Five Scholarships of $2000 available
- Scholarship, application, and membership information can be found at the MCGA page.
- Due January 29th 2025
(Edited 10/18/24)
Michelin Dependent and Michelin TIA Scholarships
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- The Dependent and TIA scholarships have different eligibility requirements.The Dependent scholarship is for employees or dependents of Michelin North America, the TIA scholarship is for affiliated TIA member tire dealerships.
- Scholarships range from $1000 to $3000 per year, depending on whether you are applying for the Dependent or TIA scholarship..
- Applicant must be a high school senior, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- You must be applying to an accredited two or four year post secondary institution or vocational technical school.
- The Michelin Dependent Scholarship also has minimum SAT/ACT score requirements.
- Got to Michelin Dependent Scholarship for specific eligibility and other requirements.
- Got to Michelin TIA Scholarship for specific eligibility and other requirements. (Michelin TIA Scholarship not yet available)
- Applications are due by January 30, 2025.
(Edited 10/18/2024
National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution Lillian and Arthur Dunn
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- A $2,500 scholarship is awarded for up to four years to well qualified, deserving sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR for four years of college.
- DAR Member Number of mother must be on the application.
- DAR scholarship information can be found here.
- Applications can be found here.
- Deadline is January 31st, 2025..
(Edited 9/20/24)
Dr. Aura-Lee A. Pittinger American History Scholarship (DAR, American History Universal DAR Scholarship Form
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- One $2,000 scholarship available for up to four consecutive years to a graduating high school senior who will have a concentrated study of a minimum of 24 credit hours in American History and American Government.
- Due January 31st., 2025.
- DAR scholarship information can be found here.
- Applications
(Edited 9/20/24
National Daughters of the American Revolution-American Indian Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $4000 one time scholarship, based on financial need, and academic achievement (3.25 or above)
- Applicants must be Native Americans.
- Open to any area of study
- Must submit a letter giving family history, financial status and education objective
- Proof of American Indian blood as indicated by letter or proof papers
- Deadline for fall term, January 31st., 2025
- Information regarding the DAR American Indian Scholarship can be found here.
- Applications can be found here.
- (Edited 9/20/24)
Eagle Scout Scholarships
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- A variety of scholarships ranging between $2,500 and $48,000.
- Must be a current member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
- A variety of scholarships are available.
- Eligibility rules vary depending on scholarship.
- Opens December 1st, Due January 31st, 2025
- for more information go to the Eagle Scout Scholarships page.
- (Edited 8/23/24)
Flavorful Futures Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $5000 scholarship
- Must be a US citizen or permanent resident.
- Must have at least a 2.5 GPA
- Must be a high school senior graduating between August 1st 2024, and July 31st, 2025
- Must be enrolling in a two year, four year, or trade school for the fall of 2025
- for more informaiton click FlavorfulFutures
- Deadline is January 31st, 2025
- (Edited 10/9/24)
Conservative Voices of St. Joseph County Scholarship
(Not Yet Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $1000 Founders Scholarship
- Must attend a St. Joseph County public or private school
- Must be a graduating senior or existing college student during the year of application for the Founders Scholarship
- Must have either been accepted and admitted to a post secondary institution, or have an active application on file
- The Statesmans Scholarship will cover either one full or multiple partial tuitions to the Summer Statesmanship Institute summer camp and the student must have been accepted as a "camper"
- For further information and the application, click the following link Conservative Voices of St. Joseph County
- Deadline is January 31st
- (Edited 11/16/23)
VFW Ben Shively Post 3019 Scholarship
(Available for the 24-25 School Year)
- $500 scholarship
- Must be a 12th grade student in public, private, parochial or home schooled. Foreign exchange students are not eligible.
- Students do not have to be a relative of a member of the Veteran of Foreign Wars.
- Essay topic and instructions are on the application included below.
- Due January 31st
- For the application and instructions, click VFW Ben Shively 3019 Scholarship
- Submit application materials to the high school guidance office
- (Edited 10/31/2024)
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