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The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students

to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.


Contact Information

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Kiel Lucas the Program Coordinator and School Linked Nurse Liaison at 269.273.1418.

The PAWS CAHC is located across the street from the High School in the Three Rivers Health building (at 721 Sixth Avenue).  We share occupancy with Three Rivers Family Care and the MCDC Dental Clinic.

The School Based E3 Program office is located within Three Rivers Middle School, located at 1101 Jefferson Avenue, Three Rivers MI.

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday 8:00-4:30

(Closed from 11:30-12:30 for lunch)

Phone Number: 269.273.1418

Fax: 269.273.3347

After Hours Care: 866.216.0621

For when you have questions about your health, and not sure where to go. After hours care provides support and guidance for any non-emergency situation.   For emergencies please call 911.  

Mental Health Resources: 

TEXT “Home” to 741741 any time 24 hours a day/7 days a week, to speak with a trained crisis counselor about anything that is on your mind. This is free and confidential.

The 24-hour HELP-Line: 269.381.HELP (381.4357) Call, even if you think there's no way anyone can help you. There is someone you can reach out to in those times when you feel desperate, overwhelmed, emotional or hopeless. There is someone who will listen, who can help you sort through your thoughts, who can let you know where you can turn for help or can directly send help to you, or can show you compassion and empathy to help get you through the moment, the hour, the night.

Suicide Helpline—Call or text #988

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Google Maps851 Sixth Ave Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: (269) 279-1100       Fax: (269) 279-5584