TRHS Administration and Guidance Staff
Carrie A. Balk – High School Principal
Nick VanDenBrink - High School Assistant Principal
Matt Stofer – Athletic Director
Stephanie Clemmons - Student Services
Adam LaRoy - Student Services
TRHS Vision
Three Rivers Community Schools vision is to become the district of choice in St. Joseph County.
TRHS Mission
The mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students to reach their full potential, to become successful adults and to pursue their dreams.
TRHS Faculty
- Certified And Highly Qualified Instructional Professionals
- Administrators
- Guidance Counselors
- Media Specialist
- In-House Technical Support Personnel
- Secretaries
- Food Service Employees
- Custodians
TRHS Points of Pride
- U.S. News and World Reports Best High School
- Early Middle College — Five Year High School Path to an Associate Degree
- College and Advanced Placement courses available to high school students
- Award-winning symphony and marching bands
- Award-winning vocal music program
- Outstanding Online Learning Program
- Beautiful performing arts center
- 17 athlete programs (9 female, 8 male) available to our student-athletes
- Athletic facilities second to none including brand new athletic complex with turf surface, new scoreboards and renovated fieldhouse
Career Technical Education Opportunities
- AgriScience and Natural Resources
- Aviation
- Building Trades
- Welding
- Manufacturing Technologies
- Medical Occupations
- Auto/Diesel Technology
- Computer Applications
- Computer Aided Drafting
- Marketing Education
- Computer Systems Technology – CNA
- Computer Systems Repair
- Internships
- Externships
TRHS Clubs & Organizations
- National Honor Society
- Art Club
- D&D Club
- Esports
- Leadership Council (*new in 2024)
- Competitive Bass Fishing
- Yearbook
- Powerlifting
- Student Council
- Science Olympiad
- DECA Marketing Club
- Drama Club
- Quiz Bowl
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