Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

United States Youth Senate Program

(Available for the 24-25 School Year)

  • Two student leaders will be chosen as student delegates from each state and Washington DC.
  • +The United States Youth Senate Program will take place March 1st through 8th, 2025.  All transportation, meals and lodging will be taken care of through the Hearse.Foundation.
  • Qualified high school junior or seniors must show demonstrated leadership by serving in elected or appointed positions in which they are actively representing a constituency in organizations related to student government, education, public affairs and community service.  They must be actively serving in qualified leadership positions,
  • A student must be enrolled in high school and living in the state.
  • Visit United States Senate Youth Program for more information.
  • Each student delegate is awarded at $10,000 scholarship for undergraduate studies with encouragement to major in history or political science.
  • Deadline for entry is October 6, 2024
    (Edited 8/21/24

AES Engineers Scholarship 

(Available for the 24-25 School Year)

  • Applicant needs to answer one of the essay questions on the website.
  • Visit website for more information.
  • $500 award
  • Deadline for entry is October 8, 2024
    (Edited 8/21/24)

CMU Centralis Scholarship Competition

(Available for the 24-25 School Year)

  • Must be accepted for admission to CMU
  • The scholarships range from full tuition, up to full ride which includes tuition and room and board.
  • Must have a minimum 3.7 GPA
  • Click the following link for more information on the Centralis Scholarship Competion
  • Students Must apply to CMU by December 1st 2024 for merit based scholarships, and by October 31st, 2024 for the Centralis Scholarship..
  • (Edited 8/21/24)

Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship

(Available for the 24-25 School Year)

  • A $1000 scholarship.
  • Must complete a 500 word essay choosing one of two topics.
  • Must be a US citizen or or permanent resident.
  • Planning on attending or attending a accredited college or university.
  • Must be a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student or student planning on entering college.
  • for more information go to the Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship page.
  • Application deadline October 31st, 2024.
  • (Edited 8/26/24)


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