Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

Attention TRHS Parents and Students!

There has never been a more important time for high school students to include college in their future plans. Three Rivers High School is pleased to present a College Planning Handbook for parents and students.

Please use the Senior Questionnaire when requesting a letter of recommendation (particularly from the guidance department) to ensure that you receive the strongest endorsement possible.

College Bound Michigan also has a variety of resources to help guide you, including:

This handbook will help parents and students successfully navigate the application process, help make college affordable through financial aid options and offer tips on how to best prepare for post-secondary education. Whether you are just beginning to think about the future or have already started planning, we hope this handbook will help you think about how college fits into life after high school. While the process of planning for college can be challenging, when you have the information you need, we believe it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience.

Other Resources

  • Xello - TRHS students and parents who signed up for an account have access to this college and career readiness tool. TRHS utilizes Xello as our primary tool for education development plans, career development lessons, college/major/career research, etc.
  • MCDM Website - The Michigan Career Development Model (MCDM) is a framework, guided by legislation, that engages school communities, students, and their support networks in intentional and meaningful career awareness, exploration, and preparation for all students.
  • LEO Pathfinder - This online career exploration and planning tool is made available by the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity and is endorsed by the Michigan Department of Education. Items in bold on the Resources section of this tool are intended to fulfill the requirements of MCL 380.1293 by providing a post-graduation opportunities informational packet.
  • Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society - This report documents differences in the earnings and employment patterns of U.S. adults with different levels of education. It also compares health-related behaviors, reliance on public assistance programs, civic participation, and indicators of the well-being of the next generation. The report's goal is to call attention to ways in which both individuals and society as a whole benefit from increased levels of education. The Highlights section (pp 4-5) provides a summary of the report's content.
  • Michigan Certificate Program Contact List - This is a 95-page document that lists all certificate programs available at every community college in Michigan, along with contact information as available.

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