Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

The Law

Michigan School Code [380.1278(a)(4)(c)] states:

A school district or public school academy shall grant credit if the pupil earns a qualifying score, as determined by the department, on the assessments developed or selected for the subject area by the department under section 1278b or the pupil earns a qualifying score, as determined by the school district or public school academy, on 1 or more assessments developed or selected by the school district or public school academy that measure a pupil's understanding of the subject area content expectations or guidelines that apply to the credit.


TRHS Policy

Three Rivers High School will grant credit to a high school student not actively enrolled in a course section who exhibits a reasonable level of mastery (defined as 78% or better on a comprehensive exam) of course content. Students are limited to two opportunities per class to test out. Signing up to test out is counted as an opportunity; barring an excused absence, if a student does not report for a session he/she signed up for, that session counts as one of their opportunities. Credit will be awarded on a “pass” basis (indicated as a TO on a student's record) and will not be included in a student's G.P.A.  Credit will count toward fulfillment of subject area and course sequence requirements. Students are limited to two tests per session; students wishing to take more than two exams must make arrangements to do so independently during test week.


TRHS Procedure

Students interested in testing out of high school courses must follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Sign up to test out in the Guidance Office. Sessions are offered twice a year, typically in February or March (for S1 of the following year) and October or November (for S2 of the current year).
  • Review course content expectations to gain an understanding of information you will be expected to have mastered.

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