Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

State statute allows personal curriculum modification in order to:
• Go beyond the academic credit requirements by adding more math, science, English language arts, or world languages credits; or completing a department-approved formal career and technical education program.
• Modify the State Content Standards for Mathematics.
• Modify, when necessary, the credit requirements of a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
• Modify credit requirements for a student who transfers from out of state or from a nonpublic school and is unable to meet the MMC requirements.

The Michigan Department of Education has made a number of Personal Curriculum guides available to support parents and educators with this process.

Please reach out to Three Rivers High School at 269-279-1126 if you have questions or concerns regarding the MMC requirements and/or the Personal Curriculum Process. If a Personal Curriculum is pursued, TRHS will implement our District Personal Curriculum Request Form to complete the process.

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