Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

About CTE

Three Rivers High School is a member of the St. Joseph County Career and Technical Education Consortium. Detailed information regarding specific programs, timelines, credit opportunities, etc., can be found on the Consortium's website. Please check that out and speak with Mrs. Weed or your guidance counselor if you would like more information regarding CTE.


From the CTE Student Handbook regarding weather-related closings:

"The CTE Consortium operates programs in five different school districts as well as at Glen Oaks Community College. Each district’s calendar may vary slightly and there will be days when CTE classes may be affected as a result. Some days it will be necessary to cancel a class or classes. In general, students will NOT report to CTE programs if:

  • their home school is closed/delayed, or
  • the school district where they receive their training is closed/delayed (with the exception of routine changes where the district may have a delayed start as part of their regular school schedule), or
  • the school district of the bus that transports them to their CTE program is closed/delayed (unless prior arrangements for transportation have been made).

In the event of early dismissal during scheduled CTE time, CTE staff and local transportation supervisors will coordinate returning students to their local districts prior to the local district’s dismissal time. In the case of inclement weather, programs operated at Glen Oaks Community College will follow Centreville High School for closings, delays and early dismissals. 

Listen for weather-related school closings on the radio/TV or check online at WWMT."

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