Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

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Online education at Three Rivers High School is provides innovative educational opportunities to meet our students’ diverse learning styles. While it demands self-discipline and motivation, online learning has the benefit of allowing a student to work at his/her own pace. There are many choices, ranging from core classes to electives, and credit recovery to Advanced Placement. Students are expected to devote 5-7 hours each week per class, or in the case of an AP course, 8-12 hours. This means they should plan to do some “homework” in the form of reading, researching, writing, etc. Access to the Internet either at home or the library will be helpful. If you and your student do decide to take advantage of an online learning opportunity, you will need to submit an Online Learning Consent form prior to enrollment.


Edgenuity is a provider used by Three Rivers Community Schools at the high school level primarily for credit recovery. The company has provided online and blended learning solutions for students since 1998. Using a combination of animations, simulations, video-led direct instruction, relevant websites, and a myriad of activities that support a lesson’s topic, students have a wealth of information at their fingertips that can be reviewed as many times as necessary to achieve mastery. Edgenuity has provided a short, helpful guide to their services aimed at parents if you would like more information.

Michigan Virtual

Michigan Virtual is the provider Three Rivers High School uses for the vast majority of online classes students are taking for initial credit (not credit recovery). Launched in 1999, Michigan Virtual provides online courses for students, including:

  • 7 world languages
  • 23 Advanced Placement courses
  • 150+ core courses and career-oriented electives in a variety of subjects

Michigan Virtual has a Guide to Getting Started for Parents and Students that may answer many of the questions you might have regarding online learning in general, as well as what this provider has to offer. The Online Learning Readiness Rubric is particularly helpful to determine if a Michigan Virtual class is a good fit for a particular student.

Pacing Guides

Pacing guides are designed to help students work through assignments in an orderly and timely manner. Students are encouraged to work ahead in their courses if their online teacher has enabled that option. AP students must be on schedule or risk a reduction in grades by the online instructor. While students appreciate the opportunity to work at their own pace, it is important for them to stay on track in order to be successful in the class.


Grades are calculated by dividing the student’s points earned by the total points of scheduled assignments. A weekly progress grade is entered into PowerSchool. Online classes use total points to calculate a final grade, not the 40/40/20 (Q1/Q2/Exam) formula used to calculate final grades in other classes.


Communication with MVHS instructors through their online class email or messages is expected. While students can ask their classroom mentor for help, the online instructor is also available for questions and concerns. Depending upon a student’s online course, parents/guardians may request observer access for Michigan Virtual courses to view grades, or progress emails from Edgenuity.

Need More Information?

If you have any questions, please contact Diana Weed, program coordinator.

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