Respectful * Responsible * Resilient

Stronger Together on Purple Background with Powercat in Lower Right

St. Joseph County Early Middle College (SJC-EMC) is designed to offer students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and one of the following:

  • An Associate Degree
  • An Occupational Certificate
  • Michigan Early Middle College (MEMCA) Technical Certification
  • Up to 60 transferable college credits towards a Bachelor’s Degree.

Students enrolled in EMC attend an additional year (13th grade) to complete both high school and college program requirements. Ideally, students will commit to the program prior to the completion of their sophomore year. The deadline for participation is the beginning of a student's junior year.

Glen Oaks has assembled an excellent informational page regarding the EMC program. Please contact Diana Weed, our local EMC coordinator, if you have additional questions.

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