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Please follow the directions at the various links below to find helpful information regarding how to send your test scores to colleges.

College Board

  • Sending SAT Scores

    • Do your research regarding your schools' policies regarding test scores. Here is a short and sweet article describing some different scenarios re: when you might want to send or withhold your scores.
  • Sending AP Scores

    • Please note the opening paragraphs on this page regarding the fact that you get one free score report each year you take an AP exam. The deadline to take advantage of the free send is mid-June each year.


ACT Scores

Please note that the Work Keys test students take through the state of Michigan (typically in the spring of their junior year) is NOT the ACT test. While Work Keys is a product of the ACT company, this is not what colleges are looking for whey they request your ACT scores. That said, if you took the ACT test here is some information on how to send those scores.

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